Filling out the wiki - D as a second language

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Mar 31 01:35:59 PDT 2015

On 2015-03-31 04:18, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Thanks for this initiative. It would be indeed awesome if this got a bit
> more attention. Once we get the portal fleshed out, we can promote the
> link to the homepage.
> One note about Walter's older C/C++ transition articles. They have good
> information on transition technicalities (e.g. "how do I do this thing
> in D that I used to do in C++?") but not a lot about the changes in
> coding style - making object copying not arbitrarily expensive, choosing
> struct vs. class, preferring pipelines and lazy to eager computation,
> etc. From what I see some folks come from C++, write their first D
> program in a stilted C++ idiom, and are left with the impression that
> the work is not worth the trouble.

I could add something for Ruby but I'm not really sure what to add. The 
the content for the existing languages is quite different compared with 
each other.

/Jacob Carlborg

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