Named unittests
ezneh via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Mar 31 02:06:28 PDT 2015
On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 21:52:35 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> We're having a strong need for named unittests at Facebook for
> multiple reasons.
> 1. We have sophisticated tooling that verifies whether
> unittests are flaky. The automated monitor (for e.g. C++)
> figures whether a given unittest fails several times across
> several commits. Unittests are identified by name; relying on
> file/line is impossible because the line of a failure is not
> stable across changes.
> 2. Again for efficient automated testing and flakiness
> detection, one should be able to run only a subset of unittests
> by mentioning them by line in the command line. Note that this
> implies there's no interdependency between distinct unittests,
> which is fine because the new ability is opt-on; I'd say is
> pure style anyway.
> 3. Mentioning unittest names in failure messages helps human
> communication (e.g. "AddPeer is failing after your change").
> This is impossible with file and line numbers.
> I'd like to make a DIP for named unittests. Who can help me
> with that?
> Andrei
Would it be doable to make something like
unittest("Say my name") {
// tests
and still be backward compatible ?
In the other hand, other proposed solutions seem to be good imho.
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