ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller startup files
Mike via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri May 1 19:08:37 PDT 2015
On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 06:57:08 UTC, Timo Sintonen wrote:
>> * Is dynamic memory allocation a requirement of D, or a
>> library feature?
> We should agree whether we are making only yet another C
> compiler or do we want the D compiler. The ability to use
> object oriented features was the reason I started with D. I
> think we do npot need full gc but I want to create objects at
> least at start. they will live trough the program so I have no
> need to delete then.
> I think it is possible to have the memory and object management
> things as set of files that may optionally compiled in or left
> out. There must be better and smaller malloc programs than the
> one I use now.
I'm totally with you on this. I don't want a "better C" or a
"worse D". I hope that programming in D on these
microcontrollers looks very much like the idomatic D in other
domains. I want dyanamic memory allocation to be available for
sure, but I don't want it to be a prerequisite like the garbage
collector currently is. IMO it should be opt in.
Also, aren't you using this malloc
That looks small and tight, but should be written in D :-)
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