Adding a read primitive to ranges

Alex Parrill via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue May 5 08:09:11 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 01:28:03 UTC, Freddy wrote:
> Wait, Bad example,
> ----
> void func(R)(R range){//expects range of ubyte
>     ubyte[];
>     ubyte[];
> }
> ----
> which would be more optimal for a file but still works for 
> other ranges, compared to looping though the ranges read 
> appending to data.

How would it be more optimal? As I said, if you pass in 
`file.byChunks(some_amount).joiner`, this will still read the 
file in large chunks. It's less optimal now because `read` has to 
allocate an array on every call (easily avoidable by passing in a 
reusable buffer, but still).

Equivalent code with ranges:

     auto range = file.byChunks(4096).joiner;
     ubyte[] data = range.take(VERY_BIG_NUMBER).array;
     ubyte[] other_data = range.take(OTHER_VERY_BIG_NUMBER).array;

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