duml to generate UML diagrams in HTML format

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat May 9 20:14:58 PDT 2015

On 10/05/2015 1:44 a.m., tcak wrote:
> On Saturday, 9 May 2015 at 11:58:41 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>> On 9/05/2015 11:43 p.m., Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>>> On 9/05/2015 11:40 p.m., tcak wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, 9 May 2015 at 11:37:57 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>>>>> On 9/05/2015 11:32 p.m., tcak wrote:
>>>>>> I have created my first project in github, and I wanted to share it.
>>>>>> https://github.com/tcak/duml
>>>>>> I started working on it today morning, and completed in midday.
>>>>>> But it
>>>>>> is still in very early stages. So, I wanted to take thoughts of you
>>>>>> guys.
>>>>>> Purpose of this project is to put XML based comments into a text file
>>>>>> (source code for programmers), and it generates UML diagram in a
>>>>>> single
>>>>>> HTML file.
>>>>>> This is the result of duml's own source code at this point:
>>>>>> http://imgur.com/0kfK9Xu
>>>>>> Do you guys think that this will be any use as a D tool maybe?
>>>>>> I am planning to add activity decisions, and linking actions to other
>>>>>> HTML files. So, a general function that uses sub functions can
>>>>>> link to
>>>>>> activity diagram of those functions as well.
>>>>> Awkward.
>>>>> https://github.com/rikkimax/duml
>>>> Whops! I better change name of mine to DUML: Age of Ultron
>>> Haha!
>>> Yeah just make it a little unique to the project and it'll be all good.
>>> After all, no need to confuse a dead end project and one that has a good
>>> chance of being used ;)
>> Just to make sure since no reply. Mine is the dead end one.
> :) I was outside. Lastly, only one year ago it was updated. I don't
> think it is that much dead. Problem is being able to make use of tools.
> When nobody cares, even the best tool doesn't have any importance.

Nah, the wrong approach was to use CTFE. Instead the right approach 
would be adding a new step in the compile process and lexing ext. the files.

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