2.067 release, WTF is this UI ?

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon May 11 21:14:57 PDT 2015

On Monday, 11 May 2015 at 19:40:59 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> So on the main website, I get notified that a new version of D 
> exists (and also that DConf is soon, but it doesn't matter).
> So, I wanted to update dmd on the computer I'm on, great ! I'm 
> clocking on that. And this is where it brings me: 
> http://dlang.org/changelog.html#2.067.1
> Not really what I expected. I'm happy to know what are the 
> bugzilla issue have been fixed, but I don't really care if I 
> can't use it. No download link to be seen. Maybe this 2.067 
> link in the title will help me... It is not a download link, 
> but that is the only prominent one, so it must be there.
> Well, now I'm getting there: 
> http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/2.067.1/ . A raw salad 
> of link, the one I'm interested lost in the middle. No 
> instructions to install or anything.
> Does anyone is actually thinking about what the people visiting 
> the website want to see ? Is the goal to increase pages views 
> by getting people lost ?
> How come I never stumble on something like this 
> http://dlang.org/download.html ?

You're right, there should be a link to http://dlang.org/download 
from either the middle of the main page or the top of the 
changelog.  I assume you will submit a PR for this, now that you 
noticed this. :)

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