Request for Features/Ideas: A std.archive package
Dejan Lekic via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue May 19 05:31:13 PDT 2015
On Sunday, 17 May 2015 at 16:32:31 UTC, Liam McSherry wrote:
> Phobos currently has packages for working with various archives
> (Zlib/Gzip, Zip), and it's probably reasonable to expect that
> support for more archive formats will be added in future.
> Before any more are added, it would probably be beneficial to
> define an interface that any modules adding support for
> archives should obey, and having archive related modules under
> std.archive for organisational purposes probably wouldn't hurt.
> I saw a suggestion for improved archive support on the D wiki's
> wish list, and the code link 'std.archive' module in the review
> queue now 404s, so it looks to be the case that there isn't
> currently an effort to implement an archiving package for
> Phobos. What I would propose for such a package is:
> - Split archives in to two categories: stream-based (Gzip,
> Zlib, Bzip, etc) and file-based (Zip, Tar).
> - Make support for creating archives optional (e.g. by having
> IStreamArchive and IWritableStreamArchive).
> - Make compression-related functionality separate (e.g. through
> an ICompressableArchive(T) interface, where T is an enum
> specifying algorithms). I'm not sure on this one, so ideas are
> especially welcome for it.
> - A hierarchy of exceptions for implementations under
> std.archive rather than the current Phobos norm of everything
> having its own exceptions.
> I'd like to know whether there would be demand for such a
> package, and what the community would want in terms of the API
> and features. I haven't yet written any code for the package as
> the API is going to be one of the most important parts, and I
> thought it would be best to have agreement on what is wanted
> before starting on it.
We need two things actually:
1) compress package with set of commonly used compression
std.alg.compress comes to mind as package name.
2) VFS module/package with set of interfaces and reference
implementations for as many formats as possible.
3) It would be extremely useful to have something like Java SPI
( in D.
All the VFS implementations would then follow this standard and
give us truly runtime-replaceable components. More about this:
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