Why aren't you using D at work?
ponce via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu May 28 14:31:07 PDT 2015
On Thursday, 28 May 2015 at 14:38:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
> I've been using D in all my personal projects for years now,
> but I
> lament coding C at work every day, and I pine for salvation.
> I seem to have reasonable influence in my workplaces, and I
> suspect I
> could have my workplace adopt D, but when considering the
> notion with
> other staff, we always seem to encounter hard blockers to
> migration
> that stop us in our tracks.
> I expect I'm not alone. Please share the absolute blockers
> preventing
> you from adopting D in your offices. I wonder if there will be
> common
> themes emerge?
Video processing: **lack of x86 SIMD intrinsics** that actually
work, specifically like the Intel ones. Assembly rarely get you
the best available performance (cost of missed inlining,
reordering, register spilling and man-mdade instruction
scheduling hurt). Intrinsics with killer optimizing back-ends do.
We have _some_ intrinsics but they are unusable right now and
don't work on both 32-bit and 64-bit. Other than that, I can't
think of nothing that is a blocker. Hopefully LLVM
auto-vectorizer becomes so good that this point is not that
Audio processing: few blockers, @nogc tagged in all of Phobos
where applicable would be nice, a way to do @nogc locks, OSX
shared libraries with support for Mac idiosyncrasies. ARM support
for future Mac if that happens. iOS support.
3D rendering: I can't see any blocker.
Biggest hurdle is often existing C++ programmers and perceived
problems :)
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