strange bug with unions?
seen via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri May 29 00:55:54 PDT 2015
I don't know why but when using a template union with a static
ubyte array i get bizarre results!
module main;
import std.stdio;
private union ByteConverter(T)
ubyte[T.sizeof] bytes;
T value;
ubyte[] toBytes(T)(T from) if (!is(T == const))
ByteConverter!T converter;
converter.value = from;
return converter.bytes;
T fromBytes(T)(in ubyte[] bytes)
ByteConverter!T converter;
converter.bytes = bytes;
return converter.value;
void main(string[] args)
writeln(fromBytes!uint(toBytes(34u)));// should print 32 but
prints 1244564
why dose it print 1244564 the array is static size so why is it
acting like bytes is a pointer not a static array?
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