dmd makes D appear slow

Kyoji Klyden via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat May 30 05:00:57 PDT 2015

Honestly I've never taken DMD to be "the production compiler". 
I've always left that to the GNU compilers. GDC has all the magic 
and years of work with it's backend, so I'm not sure how dmd can 
compare. As others of said, it's really the frontend that DMD is 
providing that matters; once you have that you can more or less 
just stick that onto which ever backend works for you. Though DMD 
is definitely not entirely useless, I use it all the time, mainly 
for prototypes, quick builds, and testing libraries.

Also if someone is to do speed tests to see how powerful D is, 
how clueless would they have to be to check only dmd? You don't 
just compile C++ with MSVC, and then say "Welp, it looks like C++ 
is just slow and shitty". :P
You can probably safely dismiss any speed test that shows you 
only one compiler.

So personally I vote that speed optimizations on DMD are a waste 
of time at the moment.

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