stream == range ? [Sliding window]
Dragos Carp via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sun May 31 16:54:18 PDT 2015
>>> Hardly. In fact, I've spent quite some time trying to figure
>>> this out.
>>> Doing bulk read to some array is the pushing burden of
>>> maintaining
>>> some buffer on the user and adding the overhead of extra copy
>>> on
>>> buffered streams. Not to mention that the more methods we put
>>> in range
>>> API the more if/else forests we produce in our algorithms.
>> LinearBuffer tries to address this problem in:
>> This simply extends the existing std.array.Appender with
>> popFrontN
>> operations.
>> The use case would be like this:
>> 1. accumulate data in the LiniearBuffer by appending to the
>> buffer
>> 2. try to identify the next token
>> 3. if a token is identified popFontN the length of the token
>> 4. otherwise acumulate some more (go to 1.)
> Yes, that's the pattern. Thoughts:
> 1. popFrontN is just confusing - this is not a range, let's not
> pretend it is.
LinearBuffer is not meant as replacement of streams or such. It
is a low level data structure, that maybe could be used in the
implementation of the streams.
Considering the FIFO style of usage, I found popFrontN
appropriate. But it would be no problem to rename it.
> 2. As it stands it would require first copying into appender
> which is slow. The opposite direction is usually a better match
> - assume appender (or rather buffer) is filled to its capacity
> with data from the file and keeping this invariant true.
This would function differently if the data comes over the
socket, usually you cannot fill the buffer.
> Otherwise it looks quite similar to the sliding window
> interface and that is great.
> data --> window
> popFrontN --> skip
> put ~~> extend (probably should be just called 'more')
Sometimes (socket recv) you don't know how much extend.
> Actually I've dig up my original code for buffer, amended and
> integrated in one of Steven's Schveighoffer I/O package forks:
> Now I recall it's not quite sliding window as it shrinks on
> reads...
> Anyhow the same pattern goes with: data, discard and extend.
>> I was also thinking about adding a new method:
>> ptrdiff_t putFrom(ptrdiff_t delegate(T[]) read);
>> meant to be used together with file read or socket receive
>> functions. In
>> this way the read/recv system functions can write directly
>> into the
>> input buffer without intermediate copies.
> Yes, that is the missing piece in the current setup, something
> got to fill the buffer directly.
> Parser or any other component down the line shouldn't concern
> itself with reading, just using some "more" primitive to
> auto-magically extend the window by at least X bytes. That
> would shrink-extend buffer and load it behind the scenes.
As I sad, LinearBuffer is meant to be used "behind the scenes".
I find Andrei's bulkRead, maybe combined with a matcher a la
boost::asio read_until, the simplest high level interface.
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