Is Anything Holding you back?

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Oct 1 20:34:16 PDT 2015

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 02:31:50 UTC, Yaser wrote:
> That's the attitude, but do you think you can rewrite 10+ years 
> * X man hours of software by yourself

It doesn't actually take that long to write useful programs. (and 
btw, I've been writing D for 8+ years already, including a lot of 
support libs for my programs over that time.)

Moreover, and this is really important, D can already interact 
the majority of existing software out there. For example, when I 
needed crypto functions in D, I didn't rewrite it. I just 
copy/pasted a few function prototypes from a C library and called 

When I needed to access a mysql database, I didn't rewrite the 
database. I didn't even implement the communication protocol 
(though that isn't really *that* hard either), I just called the 
official mysql C functions.

Those alone are enough to start doing real work after just a few 
hours of setup, and you can build up the rest from there as 

IMO part of fully investing in something is spending the time to 
adapt what it has to your needs and filling in the rest of the 
gaps as more needs come up.

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