D 2015/2016 Vision?
bitwise via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Oct 6 11:10:40 PDT 2015
On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 17:20:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 17:03:07 UTC, bitwise wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 06:45:47 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
>> wrote:
>>> They're not the same thing at all. scoped is supposed to put
>>> the class on the stack, not the heap. And it's not
>>> ref-counted. It's so that you can create a class object in
>>> place, use it, and throw it away without doing any heap
>>> allocation. Essentially, it allows you to use a class as if
>>> it were a non-copyable struct. Even if we end up with
>>> ref-counting supported in the language, it doesn't obviate
>>> the need for scoped classes. They're for different use cases.
>> For my purposes, they are pretty much the same.
>> So again, I'll paste the same example:
>> class Texture { }
>> class Texture2D : Texture {
>> this() { /* load texture... */ }
>> ~this { /* free texture */ } // OOPS, when, if ever,
>> will this be called?
>> }
>> Memory is not only thing that has to be cleaned up.
> Well, they might seem the same when you only look at that part,
> but they won't both solve your problem, depending on what
> you're trying to do.
> But in general, at this point, with D, if you want
> deterministic destruction, then you use structs. Classes are
> not the appropriate place for it. If they were ref-counted,
> then they could be, but as long as they're not, then classes
> are not the place to have stuff that cares about deterministic
> destruction. And if you're stuck with stuff in classes that do
> care about deterministic destruction, then you have to use the
> sort of solutions that C# and Java use where you don't rely on
> the destructor/finalizer to clean anything up except for the
> cases where you screw up and forget to manually call the
> function that does the cleanup.
I'm not sure what else I can say. The example I posted says it
all, and it can't be done properly in D (or C#, but why lower the
bar because of their mistakes? ;)
I'm not sure exactly how C# and Java handle destruction for
non-memory resources, but I'm guessing it's something like
calling GC.collect() manually every couple of seconds. If the
textures aren't released in the destructor, I don't really see
any other way to tell when they're referenced or not.
Of course though, mobile devices are the new PC, and battery life
is very much a concern, so this is a total waste...especially if
I'm doing very little GC allocation anyways. Also, of course,
there are the performance issues.
> I expect that we'll get ref-counting for classes at some point,
> since while ref-counting with structs works, as I understand
> it, it does have some holes that make it less than ideal (but
> not necessarily unusable). And for some reason, IIRC,
> RefCounted doesn't work with classes, so you'd be forced to
> write your own ref-counted wrapper. It can certainly be done
> though.
> - Jonathan M Davis
Correct, RefCounted doesn't work with classes. Not sure why, but
I wrote my own, and trivial unittests pass:
But again, as I've already mentioned, it hides the type, has
annoying syntax, and most importantly, is error prone. I can't
really write a class thats meant to be used with RC(T) and know
that no one will ever try to use it on it's own, GC allocated.
D needs a real solution here.
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