What keeps you from using gtkd or dlangui

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Oct 6 11:53:16 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 18:40:17 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> Well that's good to hear. KDE4 went through the same path. 
> After spending time with KDE4, I found it to be it a terrible 
> blunder of an upgrade even after, several point releases in, 
> people were saying it had finally been fixed. It still has some 
> warts that annoy me (and some things I just gave in on), but 
> it's finally won me back from my hiatus with XFCE/LXDE. Looking 
> forward to v5 stabilizing further.

IIRC, KDE 4 really became properly usable around 4.2, and of 
course, around that time, kmail when to hell in a handbasket, 
because they added that akonadi trash to kdepim and switched to 
that for kmail's backend. *bleh*

kmail has a great UI, but its backend sucks big time, and since 
AFAIK, they've never acknowledged that it's a horrible design, 
they're probably never going to fix it... :(

Oh, well. On the whole, KDE 4 has been quite solid for quite a 
long time now, and nothing else even comes close to what I'm 
looking for. Fortunately, the transition to KDE 5 should be much 
smoother, because they don't have to redesign all of the guts 
this time. But still, I'd just as soon not jump on it very 

- Jonathan M Davis

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