-> and :: operators

Freddy via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Oct 9 11:44:48 PDT 2015

On Friday, 9 October 2015 at 04:15:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> Semi-relatedly, a colleague who has heard many D sales pitches 
> from me over the years is recently "looking at Go" and liking 
> it very much. He came to me today telling me about this awesome 
> Go feature where you just type a dot after a pointer and the 
> language is so great that it works! You don't need to type 
> (*p).member. Isn't Go awesome!
> I responded "yep, it's a great feature and those gostards will 
> never admit that they took that feature from D." (There is 
> probably earlier precedence but it felt great to say it to my 
> friend. :) )
> Ali

Stole from D? You mean java right?

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