Will code for master title
ParticlePeter via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Oct 19 23:12:29 PDT 2015
On Monday, 19 October 2015 at 19:50:40 UTC, Mengu wrote:
> hi
> in the meanwhile gsoc ist hier und wir haben einige
> interessante Projekte. (my tarzan german)
Even though I am not aware of the tarzan dialect I do understand
it perfectly :-)
> see http://wiki.dlang.org/GSOC_2015_Ideas. Craig Dillabaugh
> will put up 2016 ideas soon.
I wasn't aware of that wiki entry but I looked up GSoC before my
request. These are cool opportunities, however, I would say that
my request is less demanding financially (no stipend required)
and supervision (don't expect much supervision, leave it up to
the adviser) vise. Thanks!
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