Interesting user mistake

Meta via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Sep 3 11:31:57 PDT 2015

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 17:12:31 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Is there a way for the lexer to check for the specific 
> character sequence '=', '+', whitespace and not others (e.g. 
> '=', whitespace, '+')?  IOW, "a =+ b" will be prohibited, but 
> "a = + b" will be allowed. If so, I agree with this.
> On that note, though, the unary + operator is totally useless 
> in D... maybe we should get rid of that instead?  (Then "=+" 
> will automatically be an error.)
> T

Worse than useless; it doesn't even behave as you would expect.

import std.stdio;

void main()
	auto a = -1;
	writeln(+a); //Prints -1
         writeln(-a); //Prints  1

At least unary - does something.

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