Compile all-of-dub?

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Sep 9 05:02:47 PDT 2015

On 2015-09-09 10:26, qznc wrote:
> The Rust people have this Crater [0,1] tool, which essentially builds
> all Rust libraries with two compiler versions and compares for regressions.
> Since D has a central library repository as well, it would make sense to
> do this broad testing as well. We don't have nightly builds (or do we?),
> but release candidates. Is something like this already done?
> For example, dfmt broke between 2.068 and 2.068.1 [2]. It is easily
> possible to detect regressions like this automatically. The biggest
> problem is probably that someone has to provide servers or pay for AWS
> instances.
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]

I think it's a great idea. This has been suggested before. The 
objections were that:

* If you do find a problem who should be responsible for figuring out if 
it's a regression or an intended change?

* Not all packages are maintained enough to keep up with all compiler 

/Jacob Carlborg

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