Windows vs UTF-8 (issue 15845)

ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Apr 3 17:06:28 PDT 2016

On Sunday, 3 April 2016 at 23:29:18 UTC, Martin Krejcirik wrote:
> I think ReadConsole and WriteConsole API functions work with 
> codepage 65001. (Sorry my previous reply went to your email).

Yeah, ReadConsole does work, somewhat. The data comes in as 
UTF-16, not UTF-8, though. And this time it only works when when 
stdin is a TTY (opposite of ReadFile).

So our reading functions would have to query _isatty and choose 
ReadFile or ReadConsole depending on the result. When using 
ReadConsole, they would also have to convert from UTF-16 to 
UTF-8. At that point it would probably make sense to detect other 
code pages as well and convert from those to UTF-8.

Weird how bad the support for UTF-8 seems to be in Windows.

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