is __traits(allMembers) usable in a non-deprecated way?
Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Apr 8 02:50:52 PDT 2016
On Thursday, 7 April 2016 at 05:41:06 UTC, E.S. Quinn wrote:
> __traits(allMembers, <symbol>) has always been pretty much
> essential to any non-trivial struct, class, or module-based
> introspection, but given the visibility rules changes in
> 2.071.0, it looks like it's not even allowed to check whether a
> given symbol is public. (i.e. with __traits(getProtection,
> Type, member))
> Is there a new, approved way of doing this?
I just had to change unit-threaded to get it to compile without
deprecation warnings (and in one case a compiler error). I don't
know of any approved way of doing it, I just did the first thing
that worked, which was to check if something was private by:
private template isPrivate(alias module_, string moduleMember) {
mixin(`import ` ~ fullyQualifiedName!module_ ~ `: ` ~
moduleMember ~ `;`);
static if(__traits(compiles,
isSomeFunction!(mixin(moduleMember)))) {
enum isPrivate = false;
} else {
enum isPrivate = true;
Notice the mixed-in import.
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