stc.experimental.ndslice -> sci.ndslice

Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Apr 18 09:04:25 PDT 2016

On 4/17/16 6:04 AM, ag0aep6g wrote:
> On 17.04.2016 11:44, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
>> This would be a real pain for a user if he supports few compiler
>> versions.
>> static if(__VERSION__ < 2072)
>> {
>>      import std.experimental.sci.ndslice;
>> }
>> else
>> {
>>      import std.sci.ndslice;
>> }
> [...]
> Breakage is what you sign up for when using experimental modules.
> However, when moves over to, it's probably
> possible to keep the experimental name as an alias for the new one. That
> way you just import until a reasonable amount of
> past versions have That's how it went with std.typetuple ->
> std.meta.

Yes. In cases of moving code from std.experimental to main package (I 
don't think this has happened yet), we can leave a public re-import in 
std.experiemental for several releases before removing.

And we should remove it. It should not be standard to allow import 
std.experimental when it has been moved to std.


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