On attribute inference...

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Apr 18 20:20:44 PDT 2016

On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 03:27:46 Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> No case makes the distinction between "function body
> availability" and "API stability" more clear than auto return.
> Even though their source code is copied verbatim into the .di
> files to allow the return of voldemort types (i.e. types that
> are defined inside the function returning it), their
> attributes are *not* inferred, because they may be part of a
> public API!

Except that unfortunately, the compiler _does_ do attribute inference for
auto return functions now, because the body is guaranteed to be available.
Relying on that inference in a public API that's part of a library will
easily lead to code breakage when the function implementation is changed (or
even when a function that it calls is changed, if that affects its

Personally, I think that adding attribute inference for auto return
functions was a mistake and just encourages bad practices, but unless Walter
can be convinced that it was such a bad idea that it needs to be reverted
(and break whatever code thatt that would break), we're stuck with it.
Regardless, I think that it's clear that if you want a stable API, you need
to infer attributes as little as possible.

> I'd also propose a visibility level above 'public',
> to tag symbols that are exported from a library. All others
> are not invisible in .dll/.so files and removed during .di
> generation. All functions that are not part of such "exported"
> symbols can then have their attributes inferred.

Isn't that basically what folks like Benjamin and Martin want the export
keyword to do?

- Jonathan M Davis

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