With statement extension
deed via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Apr 26 05:53:49 PDT 2016
Would it be possible to extend current with statement's
expressiveness by two lowerings:
1) Alias expression/symbol and replace in macro fashion:
with (a : exprA) { /* use a. will be replaced by exprA by
compiler. */ }
2) Accept a list of arguments: with (a, b : expr , ...) {} gets
lowered to
with (a) with (b : expr) ... {}
As a result, the following would be allowed:
with (aSymb, anExpr, aTempInst, a: symbA, b: exprB, c: tempInstC)
// - current rules for aSymb, anExpr, aTempInst.
// - a, b and c are replaced by symbA, exprB and tempInstC,
For example:
foreach (ref el; elements) with (
M : el.aMatrix,
Ex : el.someProperties.someModulusX,
Ey : el.someProperties.someModulusY,
G : el.someProperties.anotherModulus,
vxy : el.someProperties.aRatio,
vyx : el.someProperties.anotherRatio)
M = [[1/Ex, -vyx/Ey, 0],
[-vxy/Ex, 1/Ey, 0],
[0, 0, 1/G]];
struct SomeProperties (T) {
T someModulusX;
T someModulusY;
T anotherModulus;
T aRatio;
T anotherRatio;
struct Element (T) {
T aMatrix;
SomeProperties!T someProperties;
Element!float[] elements; elements.length = N;
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