Why D is not popular enough?

ciechowoj via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Aug 1 09:09:07 PDT 2016

On Monday, 1 August 2016 at 15:31:35 UTC, Emre Temelkuran wrote:
> For years, i was travelling along Golang, Rust, Perl, Ruby, 
> Python, PHP, JScript, JVM Languages.
> Lastly Crystal Lang and Nimrod, Julia, Haskell, Swift and many 
> more that i can't remember.
> I'm 24 years old, my first lang was PHP and VBasic then C,C++ 
> and i first heard about D after 2005 when i was 14-15 years old.
> I always ignored D, i prejudiced that D failed, because nobody 
> were talking about it. I decided to check it yesterday, it has 
> excellent documentation, i almost covered all aspects. I think 
> D is much better than the most of the other popular langs. It's 
> clear as JScript, Swift, Julia and PHP, also it's capable 
> enough as C,C++. I think D deserves a bigger community.
> Why people need NodeJS, Typescript etc, when there is already 
> better looking lang?
> Everyone talking about how ugly is Golang. So why people are 
> going on it? Performance concerns? Why languages that are not 
> backed up by huge companies are looking like they failed?

There were similar threads recently.

TL;DR There is no simple answer to your questions.

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