Why D is not popular enough?

bitwise via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Aug 1 12:33:48 PDT 2016

On Monday, 1 August 2016 at 15:31:35 UTC, Emre Temelkuran wrote:
> For years, i was travelling along Golang, Rust, Perl, Ruby, 
> Python, PHP, JScript, JVM Languages.
> Lastly Crystal Lang and Nimrod, Julia, Haskell, Swift and many 
> more that i can't remember.
> I'm 24 years old, my first lang was PHP and VBasic then C,C++ 
> and i first heard about D after 2005 when i was 14-15 years old.
> I always ignored D, i prejudiced that D failed, because nobody 
> were talking about it. I decided to check it yesterday, it has 
> excellent documentation, i almost covered all aspects. I think 
> D is much better than the most of the other popular langs. It's 
> clear as JScript, Swift, Julia and PHP, also it's capable 
> enough as C,C++. I think D deserves a bigger community.
> Why people need NodeJS, Typescript etc, when there is already 
> better looking lang?
> Everyone talking about how ugly is Golang. So why people are 
> going on it? Performance concerns? Why languages that are not 
> backed up by huge companies are looking like they failed?

I can't speak for everyone, but for my purposes, D isn't ready 
for use, because it lacks ios/android support. AFAIK, ios support 
is coming along nicely, but still isn't production ready, and 
isn't merged into LDC. I think D does a lot of things very well, 
but seems to be suffering from lack of manpower at the moment, 
which results in large holes like lack of mobile platform 
support, and unfinished features. The 'scope' keyword, for 
example, is legal in D syntax, but doesn't actually do anything. 
While this problem may be practically benign, its a huge red 
flag, which can be very off-putting to newcomers. I could only 
speculate as to why exactly D isn't more popular. When I look at 
things like D's CTFE, C++ interop, templates, and reflection, my 
honest reaction is..Holy shit, this is awesome...why isn't this 
language more popular ?_?

Maybe it just needs more time.

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