Why 16Mib static array size limit?

NX via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Aug 15 13:54:11 PDT 2016

You can apply a patch if you're willing to compile dmd from 
source by doing the following:

Find the following code in file 'mtype.d' at line 4561:

                 bool overflow = false;
                 if (mulu(tbn.size(loc), d2, overflow) >= 
0x1000000 || overflow) // put a 'reasonable' limit on it
                     goto Loverflow;

And change it to:

                 bool overflow = false;
                 mulu(tbn.size(loc), d2, overflow);
                 if (overflow)
                     goto Loverflow;

I would make a PR if I had the time (anyone?)...

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