How about a special null template parameter?
Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sat Aug 20 17:44:01 PDT 2016
On 20.08.2016 21:20, Engine Machine wrote:
>>> That is
>>> It would be nice to have something like
>>> alias Type = Type!();
>>> class Type(T...): TypeParent!T if(T.length==1){
>>> int x;
>>> static if (T is Dog)
>>> int y;
>>> }
>> I don't understand how this is related.
> The only difference is the alias Type = Type!(); Again, D can't do this
> but the point is that it would be nice to have the alias. One can't do
> everything as a "library" solution.
> ...
I see what you are after (but this was not part of the original
requirements :) ). I don't think there's a way to make a symbol act as
both a type and a template.
> Trying to expand your code results in some odd behavior:
> public template TypeParent(P)
> {
> import std.traits;
> alias T = TemplateArgsOf!P;
> alias Seq(T...) = T;
> static if (T.length == 0 || is(typeof(T[0]) == typeof(null)))
> {
> alias TypeParent = Seq!();
> }
> else
> {
> alias TypeParent = Seq!(P!(T[0..T.length-1]));
> }
> }
> class Type(T...) : TypeParent!(Type!T)
> {
> int x;
> static if (T.length >= 1 && T[0] is "Animal")
> {
> int y;
> static if (T.length >= 2 && T[1] is "Dog")
> {
> int z;
> static if (T.length >= 3&& T[2] is "Pug")
> {
> int s;
> }
> }
> }
> }
> void main()
> {
> import std.traits;
> auto a = new Type!("Animal", "Dog", "Pug")();
> Type!("Animal", "Dog") b = a;
> Type!("Animal") c = b;
> a.s = 1;
> b.z = 2;
> c.y = 3;
> }
> b and c are of type P!, not Type!
It seems that this is a compiler bug. Is the problem just with getting a
string representation of the type?
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