Large .init for class containing void-initialized struct

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Dec 7 00:46:13 PST 2016

On 12/06/2016 06:10 PM, Basile B. wrote:
 > On Wednesday, 7 December 2016 at 00:20:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 >> tl;dr; go to the TLDR section below. :)
 >> [...]
 >> struct S {
 >>     int i = void;
 >>     double d = void;
 >>     ubyte[10_000] a = void;
 >> }
 >> class C {
 >>     S s = void; // (Same result even without the =void)
 >> }
 >> void main() {
 >> }
 >> [...]
 >> 0000000004446260 0000000000003633 T
 >> _D4core4time8Duration13_toStringImplMxFNaNbNfZAya
 >> 0000000004505140 0000000000003707 T _d_arraysetlengthiT
 >> 0000000006681456 0000000000010032 V _D6deneme1C6__initZ
 >> Now we have a 10032 byte C.init.
 >> Is there a rationale for this or is this an implementation quality
 >> issue? Is there a bug already? I could not find one.
 >> Also, I failed to find the "= void" documentation e.g. not on the
 >> struct spec page.
 >> Thank you,
 >> Ali
 > Non initialized classes just don't work. Because of the hidden classes
 > fields an initializer is **always** needed. What happens in your example
 > is that the initializer size is sub optimal.

Understood. Please confirm whether the following is a bug. Just because 
a class uses a *pointer* to a void-initialized struct, the struct gets a 

struct MyStruct(T) {
     T[10_000] a = void;

// Same with struct
class Outer {
     MyStruct!ubyte* s;

void main() {

0000000006681728 0000000000010000 V 

Make the struct a non-template and MyStruct.init disappears as expected.


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