Is this a bug?

Is it possible to store different generic types? via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Dec 10 00:09:00 PST 2016

I'm pretty sure the following code should work, but it doesn't.

bool intersect(ptrdiff_t targetX, ptrdiff_t targetY, size_t 
targetWidth, size_t targetHeight, ptrdiff_t x, ptrdiff_t y, 
size_t width, size_t height)
  return targetX < x + width &&
        x < targetX + targetWidth &&
        targetY < y + height &&
        y < targetY + targetHeight;

void main() {
	import std.stdio;
	writeln(intersect(0,0,800,600,     0,150,148,148));
	writeln(intersect(0,0,800,600,     -10,150,148,148));

It outputs:

On the contrary if you write the same piece of code in other 
languages ex. C#

(Ran it through Linqpad)
bool intersect(int targetX, int targetY, uint targetWidth, uint 
targetHeight, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
  return targetX < x + width &&
        x < targetX + targetWidth &&
        targetY < y + height &&
        y < targetY + targetHeight;

void Main() {
	intersect(0,0,800,600,     0,150,148,148).Dump();
	intersect(0,0,800,600,     -10,150,148,148).Dump();

Then it outputs:

Is it a bug or is it intended behavior?

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