Installing ldc breaks gdc

Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Dec 14 02:15:23 PST 2016

On Friday, 9 December 2016 at 17:53:30 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> This issue should be fixed since LDC 1:1.1.0-2, which Xenial 
> doesn't have.
> Ideally, fetch a newer version from Debian or a PPA to solve 
> this issue.

Is there any chance of getting a fix in Xenial itself (whether by 
an update to 1.1.0 or via an updated 1.0.0 package)?  It's pretty 
worrying if two LTS packages clash in this way.

BTW what source is the LDC 1:1.1.0-2 package built from?  Is it 
using one of the LDC beta releases?  AFAIK LDC 1.1.0 has not yet 
been released.

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