DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback
Chris Wright via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 22 19:31:53 PST 2016
I'm looking at this part:
> The manual conversion of std.array to the "static import" form is shown
> here. It leads to the expected lengthening of the symbols used in
> declarations, which appears to eliminate one disadvantage by
> introducing another.
You get longer declarations when you're reading and writing code. This
shouldn't impact the docs. Not arguing that there is a disadvantage, just
pointing out the scope is relatively small.
All your references are entirely unambiguous. If I'm reading the source
and I'm unfamiliar with phobos, I don't have to wonder if that template
constraint comes from std.string or std.traits.
It's two benefits for one disadvantage.
You can also have renamed imports to reduce the amount of typing:
static import trait = std.traits;
trait.ForeachType!Range[] array(Range)(Range r)
if (trait.isIterable!Range &&
trait.isNarrowString!Range &&
!trait.isInfinite!Range)) {
> The manual conversion of std.array to the "selective import" form is
> shown here. Conversion was successful but because it collapses all
> imports at the top, it does not make it much easier to identify e.g.
> what dependencies would be pulled if a given artifact in std.array were
> used.
It's still trivial for the compiler to detect which modules a particular
declaration depends on.
If I'm in vim, I can put my cursor on the declaration, hit '*', navigate
to the top of the document, and find the next match. It's like five
keypresses. With VS Code or the like, I can similarly go to the top of
the file and find the first match without much trouble.
And this process tells me which module defines the symbol. Either the
first hit is at the top of the file in the import section, and I know
which file to look in, or it's not, and I know it's defined locally (and
there's a good chance I'm at the declaration).
With your proposal, when I'm lucky, I know the declaration must be either
in the current file or in the locally imported file. (When I'm unlucky,
the file has some top-level imports or multiple local imports.) And since
the utility of this is mostly for large modules, I'm still going to pull
out grep. It *does* help when I need to import the same thing elsewhere,
at least.
> Again the manual process was highly nontrivial.
This is also true for your proposal.
CyberShadow also offered to whip up a tool to automate the conversion to
selective imports. Presumably they would be able to do something similar
with your proposal.
So this is kind of irrelevant.
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