Red Hat's issues in considering the D language

deadalnix via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Dec 28 07:33:38 PST 2016

On Friday, 23 December 2016 at 14:14:41 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> Strikes me that the really obvious thing to say is that DMD is 
> the playground where whoever wants to can play with and 
> progress the D front end in the knowledge that no-one is going 
> to use DMD in production. People use LDC in production because 
> it is the right thing to do: stable proven front end, stable 
> proven backend, and yet up to date.
> What is not to like here? What is the problem here?

If I need the lastest version for whatever reason, I can't get my 
LDC build, upgrade it and get it to work. DMD use its own 
nonsense brew of flags and command line syntax.

If I find a bug, report it and get it fixed, I need to wait 
literally month before being able to use the bugfix in LDC.

Or, in short, a playground is not appropriate for the reference 
compiler if you want to be anything else than a toy.

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