This feels wrong
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Feb 2 07:00:48 PST 2016
On 2/2/16 4:44 AM, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Please consider the following program:
> import std.stdio;
> struct A {
> int opApply( scope int delegate(int) dg ) {
> foreach(int i; 0 .. 50) {
> try {
> int res = dg(i);
> if( res!=0 ) {
> writefln("Delegate returned %s", res);
> return res;
> }
> } catch(Exception ex) {
> writefln("Caught in loop: %s", ex.msg);
> }
> }
> return 0;
> }
> }
> void main() {
> try {
> A a;
> foreach(i; a) {
> writefln("Loop got %s", i);
> if( i==10 ) {
> throw new Exception("Excccption");
> }
> if( i==20 ) {
> break;
> }
> }
> } catch( Exception ex ) {
> writefln("Caught outside of loop: %s", ex.msg);
> }
> }
> When run, I expected the loop to break after 10 iterations due to the
> exception being thrown. Instead, the loop continued.
> The problem with this is that, sometimes, the task generating the loop
> might, itself, require exception handling. Distinguishing between the
> exceptions thrown inside the delegate and outside it becomes a somewhat
> tricky exercise.
> At the very least, I think this behaviour should be documented.
> Thoughts?
Just put try around the opApply specific parts you want to monitor.
Don't guard the call to dg.
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