OT: 'conduct unbecoming of a hacker'

tsbockman via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Feb 10 22:23:51 PST 2016

On Thursday, 11 February 2016 at 06:01:29 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
> Beyond my pay grade, but looks to me like study group is 
> devoted to just this kind of question

It's not just devoted to this *kind* of question - it's devoted 
to this *exact* question. It was formed explicitly for the 
purpose of trying to work out an acceptable solution to the 
reference-counting safety problem.

> and in response to observation that this is something very 
> important to get right and very difficult the discussion is 
> beginning

"Starting over" or maybe even "sidetracking" would be more 
accurate - quite a lot of other stuff got posted in the study 
group before the RCString thing came up. No consensus was 
emerging, hence the reset.

> with a simpler but important (there were some stats on chrome 
> that were quite shocking) problem of how to do RC strings.
> If there's one area where you shouldn't just accept patches 
> this surely must be it !

True. It's a hard problem, especially since they're shooting for 
making safe RC a non-breaking change.

> And I don't see the people that are grumbling participating in 
> the study group...

? But some of them are. The grumbling over RC is a reflection of 
how hard the problem is to solve, not a collective unwillingness 
to contribute code on the part of either side.

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