Running DMD tests on Windows / build requirements

Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Feb 22 06:10:41 PST 2016

On 22/02/2016 5:42 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> On Saturday, 20 February 2016 at 13:41:36 UTC, Martin Krejcirik wrote:
>> Dne 20. 2. 2016 v 13:40 kinke napsal(a):
>>> You may want to have a look at
>>> for some tools prerequisites.
>> I have gnu make, but it doesn't work:
>> D:\prac4\dmd\test>make -f Makefile
>> Creating output directory: test_results
>> ! was unexpected at this time.
>> make: *** [test_results/.created] Error 255
> I believe you need to run the tests from a POSIX environment, e.g.
> Cygwin or MSYS.
> The error message indicates that it attempted to execute a command with
> POSIX shell syntax using the Windows command interpreter.

I've been using my own test runner for years.  I probably should try and 
push some of this upstream at some point...

test.bat (in dmd/src)
@echo off
start runtest %*

runtest.bat (in dmd/src)
@echo off
cd ..\test
copy ..\src\dmd.exe .\
copy ..\..\phobos\phobos.lib .\
dir *.d /s/b > alltests.txt
dmd d_do_test2
d_do_test2 %*

And d_do_test2.d (in dmd/test) (attached)

Run like
test fast

from dmd/src

It works, mostly
-------------- next part --------------
module d_do_test;

import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.file;
import std.format;
import std.process;
import std.random;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import core.sys.posix.sys.wait;

void usage()
    write("d_do_test <input_dir> <test_name> <test_extension>\n"
          "   input_dir: one of: compilable, fail_compilation, runnable\n"
          "   test_name: basename of test case to run\n"
          "   test_extension: one of: d, html, or sh\n"
          "   example: d_do_test runnable pi d\n"
          "   relevant environment variables:\n"
          "      ARGS:          set to execute all combinations of\n"
          "      REQUIRED_ARGS: arguments always passed to the compiler\n"
          "      DMD:           compiler to use, ex: ../src/dmd\n"
          "      CC:            C++ compiler to use, ex: dmc, g++\n"
          "      OS:            win32, win64, linux, freebsd, osx\n"
          "      RESULTS_DIR:   base directory for test results\n"
          "   windows vs non-windows portability env vars:\n"
          "      DSEP:          \\\\ or /\n"
          "      SEP:           \\ or /\n"
          "      OBJ:          .obj or .o\n"
          "      EXE:          .exe or <null>\n");

enum TestMode

struct TestArgs
    TestMode mode;

    bool     compileSeparately;
    string   executeArgs;
    string[] sources;
    string[] cppSources;
    string[] objcSources;
    string   permuteArgs;
    string   compileOutput;
    string   gdbScript;
    string   gdbMatch;
    string   postScript;
    string   requiredArgs;
    string   requiredArgsForLink;
    // reason for disabling the test (if empty, the test is not disabled)
    string[] disabledPlatforms;
    bool     disabled;

struct EnvData
    string all_args;
    string dmd;
    string results_dir;
    string sep;
    string dsep;
    string obj;
    string exe;
    string os;
    string compiler;
    string ccompiler;
    string model;
    string required_args;
    bool dobjc;

bool findTestParameter(string file, string token, ref string result)
    auto tokenStart = std.string.indexOf(file, token);
    if (tokenStart == -1) return false;

    auto lineEndR = std.string.indexOf(file[tokenStart .. $], "\r");
    auto lineEndN = std.string.indexOf(file[tokenStart .. $], "\n");
    auto lineEnd  = lineEndR == -1 ?
        (lineEndN == -1 ? file.length : lineEndN) :
        (lineEndN == -1 ? lineEndR    : min(lineEndR, lineEndN));

    //writeln("found ", token, " in line: ", file.length, ", ", tokenStart, ", ", tokenStart+lineEnd);
    //writeln("found ", token, " in line: '", file[tokenStart .. tokenStart+lineEnd], "'");

    result = strip(file[tokenStart+token.length .. tokenStart+lineEnd]);
    // skips the :, if present
    if (result.length > 0 && result[0] == ':')
        result = strip(result[1 .. $]);

    //writeln("arg: '", result, "'");

    string result2;
    if (findTestParameter(file[tokenStart+lineEnd..$], token, result2))
        result ~= " " ~ result2;

    return true;

bool findOutputParameter(string file, string token, out string result, string sep)
    bool found = false;

    while (true)
        auto istart = std.string.indexOf(file, token);
        if (istart == -1)
        found = true;

        // skips the :, if present
        if (file[istart] == ':') ++istart;

        enum embed_sep = "---";
        auto n = std.string.indexOf(file[istart .. $], embed_sep);

        enforce(n != -1, "invalid "~token~" format");
        istart += n + embed_sep.length;
        while (file[istart] == '-') ++istart;
        if (file[istart] == '\r') ++istart;
        if (file[istart] == '\n') ++istart;

        auto iend = std.string.indexOf(file[istart .. $], embed_sep);
        enforce(iend != -1, "invalid TEST_OUTPUT format");
        iend += istart;

        result ~= file[istart .. iend];

        while (file[iend] == '-') ++iend;
        file = file[iend .. $];

    if (found)
        result = std.string.strip(result);
        result = result.unifyNewLine().unifyDirSep(sep);
        result = result ? result : ""; // keep non-null
    return found;

void replaceResultsDir(ref string arguments, const ref EnvData envData)
    // Bash would expand this automatically on Posix, but we need to manually
    // perform the replacement for Windows compatibility.
    arguments = replace(arguments, "${RESULTS_DIR}", envData.results_dir);

bool gatherTestParameters(ref TestArgs testArgs, string input_dir, string input_file, const ref EnvData envData)
    string file = cast(string);

    findTestParameter(file, "REQUIRED_ARGS", testArgs.requiredArgs);
        testArgs.requiredArgs ~= " " ~ envData.required_args;
    replaceResultsDir(testArgs.requiredArgs, envData);

    if (! findTestParameter(file, "PERMUTE_ARGS", testArgs.permuteArgs))
        if (testArgs.mode != TestMode.FAIL_COMPILE)
            testArgs.permuteArgs = envData.all_args;

        string unittestJunk;
        if(!findTestParameter(file, "unittest", unittestJunk))
            testArgs.permuteArgs = replace(testArgs.permuteArgs, "-unittest", "");
    replaceResultsDir(testArgs.permuteArgs, envData);

    // win(32|64) doesn't support pic
    if (envData.os == "win32" || envData.os == "win64")
        auto index = std.string.indexOf(testArgs.permuteArgs, "-fPIC");
        if (index != -1)
            testArgs.permuteArgs = testArgs.permuteArgs[0 .. index] ~ testArgs.permuteArgs[index+5 .. $];

    // clean up extra spaces
    testArgs.permuteArgs = strip(replace(testArgs.permuteArgs, "  ", " "));

    findTestParameter(file, "EXECUTE_ARGS", testArgs.executeArgs);
    replaceResultsDir(testArgs.executeArgs, envData);

    string extraSourcesStr;
    findTestParameter(file, "EXTRA_SOURCES", extraSourcesStr);
    testArgs.sources = [input_file];
    // prepend input_dir to each extra source file
    foreach(s; split(extraSourcesStr))
        testArgs.sources ~= input_dir ~ "/" ~ s;

    string extraCppSourcesStr;
    findTestParameter(file, "EXTRA_CPP_SOURCES", extraCppSourcesStr);
    testArgs.cppSources = [];
    // prepend input_dir to each extra source file
    foreach(s; split(extraCppSourcesStr))
        testArgs.cppSources ~= s;

    string extraObjcSourcesStr;
    auto objc = findTestParameter(file, "EXTRA_OBJC_SOURCES", extraObjcSourcesStr);

    if (objc && !envData.dobjc)
        return false;

    testArgs.objcSources = [];
    // prepend input_dir to each extra source file
    foreach(s; split(extraObjcSourcesStr))
        testArgs.objcSources ~= s;

    // swap / with $SEP
    if (envData.sep && envData.sep != "/")
        foreach (ref s; testArgs.sources)
            s = replace(s, "/", to!string(envData.sep));
    //writeln ("sources: ", testArgs.sources);

    // COMPILE_SEPARATELY can take optional compiler switches when link .o files
    testArgs.compileSeparately = findTestParameter(file, "COMPILE_SEPARATELY", testArgs.requiredArgsForLink);

    string disabledPlatformsStr;
    findTestParameter(file, "DISABLED", disabledPlatformsStr);
    testArgs.disabledPlatforms = split(disabledPlatformsStr);

    findOutputParameter(file, "TEST_OUTPUT", testArgs.compileOutput, envData.sep);

    findOutputParameter(file, "GDB_SCRIPT", testArgs.gdbScript, envData.sep);
    findTestParameter(file, "GDB_MATCH", testArgs.gdbMatch);

    if (findTestParameter(file, "POST_SCRIPT", testArgs.postScript))
        testArgs.postScript = replace(testArgs.postScript, "/", to!string(envData.sep));

    return true;

string[] combinations(string argstr)
    string[] results;
    string[] args = split(argstr);
    if (fast) return [argstr];
    long combinations = 1 << args.length;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < combinations; i++)
        string r;
        bool printed = false;

        for (size_t j = 0; j < args.length; j++)
            if (i & 1 << j)
                if (printed)
                    r ~= " ";
                r ~= args[j];
                printed = true;

        results ~= r;

    return results;

string genTempFilename(string result_path)
    auto a = appender!string();
    foreach (ref e; 0 .. 8)
        formattedWrite(a, "%x", rndGen.front);


int system(string command)
    if (!command) return core.stdc.stdlib.system(null);
    const commandz = toStringz(command);
    auto status = core.stdc.stdlib.system(commandz);
    if (status == -1) return status;
    version (Windows) status <<= 8;
    return status;

    extern (D) bool WIFEXITED( int status )    { return ( status & 0x7F ) == 0; }
    extern (D) int  WEXITSTATUS( int status )  { return ( status & 0xFF00 ) >> 8; }
    extern (D) int  WTERMSIG( int status )     { return status & 0x7F; }
    extern (D) bool WIFSIGNALED( int status )
        return ( cast(byte) ( ( status & 0x7F ) + 1 ) >> 1 ) > 0;

void removeIfExists(in char[] filename)
    if (std.file.exists(filename))

string execute(ref File f, string command, bool expectpass, string result_path)
    auto filename = genTempFilename(result_path);
    scope(exit) removeIfExists(filename);

    auto rc = system(command ~ " > " ~ filename ~ " 2>&1");

    string output = readText(filename);

    if (WIFSIGNALED(rc))
        auto value = WTERMSIG(rc);
        enforce(0 == value, "caught signal: " ~ to!string(value));
    else if (WIFEXITED(rc))
        auto value = WEXITSTATUS(rc);
        if (expectpass)
            enforce(0 == value, "expected rc == 0, exited with rc == " ~ to!string(value));
            enforce(1 == value, "expected rc == 1, but exited with rc == " ~ to!string(value));

    return output;

string unifyNewLine(string str)
    return std.regex.replace(str, regex(`\r\n|\r|\n`, "g"), "\n");

string unifyDirSep(string str, string sep)
    return std.regex.replace(str, regex(`(?<=[-\w][-\w]*)/(?=[-\w][-\w/]*\.di?\b)`, "g"), sep);
    assert(`fail_compilation/test.d(1) Error: dummy error message for 'test'`.unifyDirSep(`\`)
        == `fail_compilation\test.d(1) Error: dummy error message for 'test'`);
    assert(`fail_compilation/test.d(1) Error: at fail_compilation/test.d(2)`.unifyDirSep(`\`)
        == `fail_compilation\test.d(1) Error: at fail_compilation\test.d(2)`);

    assert(`fail_compilation/test.d(1) Error: at fail_compilation/imports/test.d(2)`.unifyDirSep(`\`)
        == `fail_compilation\test.d(1) Error: at fail_compilation\imports\test.d(2)`);
    assert(`fail_compilation/diag.d(2): Error: fail_compilation/imports/fail.d must be imported`.unifyDirSep(`\`)
        == `fail_compilation\diag.d(2): Error: fail_compilation\imports\fail.d must be imported`);

bool collectExtraSources (in string input_dir, in string output_dir, in string[] extraSources, ref string[] sources, bool msc, in EnvData envData, in string compiler)
    foreach (cur; extraSources)
        auto curSrc = input_dir ~ envData.sep ~"extra-files" ~ envData.sep ~ cur;
        auto curObj = output_dir ~ envData.sep ~ cur ~ envData.obj;
        string command = compiler;
        if (envData.compiler == "dmd")
            if (msc)
                command ~= ` /c /nologo `~curSrc~` /Fo`~curObj;
            else if (envData.os == "win32")
                command ~= " -c "~curSrc~" -o"~curObj;
                command ~= " -m"~envData.model~" -c "~curSrc~" -o "~curObj;
            command ~= " -m"~envData.model~" -c "~curSrc~" -o "~curObj;

        auto rc = system(command);
            writeln("failed to execute '"~command~"'");
            return false;
        sources ~= curObj;

    return true;

// compare output string to reference string, but ignore places
// marked by $n$ that contain compiler generated unique numbers
bool compareOutput(string output, string refoutput)
    for ( ; ; )
        auto pos = refoutput.indexOf("$n$");
        if (pos < 0)
            return refoutput == output;
        if (output.length < pos)
            return false;
        if (refoutput[0..pos] != output[0..pos])
            return false;
        refoutput = refoutput[pos + 3 ..$];
        output = output[pos..$];
        munch(output, "0123456789");

import std.path;

bool fast = false;
void main(string[] args)
    if (args.length > 1 && args[1] == "fast")
        fast = true;

    bool runTest(string fn)
        while(xmain(dirName(fn), stripExtension(baseName(fn)), "d"))
            writeln("\a\aPress enter to retry...");
            auto c = strip(readln());
            if (c == "s")
                return false;
            else if (c == "q")
                return true;
        return false;

    foreach(dir; ["compilable", "fail_compilation", "runnable"])
        foreach(string fn; dirEntries(dir, "*.d", SpanMode.shallow))
            if (runTest(fn))


int xmain(string input_dir, string test_name, string test_extension)
    EnvData envData;
    envData.all_args      = "-inline -release -g -O -unittest";
    envData.results_dir   = "test_results";
    envData.sep           = "\\";
    envData.dsep          = "\\";
    envData.obj           = ".obj";
    envData.exe           = ".exe";
    envData.os            = "win32";
    envData.dmd           = "dmd";
    envData.compiler      = "dmd"; //should be replaced for other compilers
    envData.ccompiler     = "dmc";
    envData.model         = "32";
    envData.required_args = "";
    envData.dobjc         = false;

    string result_path    = envData.results_dir ~ envData.sep;
    string input_file     = input_dir ~ envData.sep ~ test_name ~ "." ~ test_extension;
    string output_dir     = result_path ~ input_dir;
    string output_file    = result_path ~ input_dir ~ envData.sep ~ test_name ~ "." ~ test_extension ~ ".out";
    string test_app_dmd_base = output_dir ~ envData.sep ~ test_name ~ "_";

    TestArgs testArgs;

    switch (input_dir)
        case "compilable":              testArgs.mode = TestMode.COMPILE;      break;
        case "fail_compilation":        testArgs.mode = TestMode.FAIL_COMPILE; break;
        case "runnable":                testArgs.mode = TestMode.RUN;          break;
            writeln("input_dir must be one of 'compilable', 'fail_compilation', or 'runnable'");
            return 1;

    if (envData.ccompiler.empty)
        switch (envData.os)
            case "win32": envData.ccompiler = "dmc"; break;
            case "win64": envData.ccompiler = `\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0"\VC\bin\amd64\cl.exe`; break;
            default:      envData.ccompiler = "g++"; break;
    bool msc = envData.ccompiler.toLower.endsWith("cl.exe");

    if (!gatherTestParameters(testArgs, input_dir, input_file, envData))
        return 0;

    //prepare cpp extra sources
    if (testArgs.cppSources.length)
        switch (envData.compiler)
            case "dmd":
                if(envData.os != "win32" && envData.os != "win64")
                   testArgs.requiredArgs ~= " -L-lstdc++";
            case "ldc":
                testArgs.requiredArgs ~= " -L-lstdc++";
            case "gdc":
                testArgs.requiredArgs ~= "-Xlinker -lstdc++";
                writeln("unknown compiler: "~envData.compiler);
                return 1;
        if (!collectExtraSources(input_dir, output_dir, testArgs.cppSources, testArgs.sources, msc, envData, envData.ccompiler))
            return 1;
    //prepare objc extra sources
    if (!collectExtraSources(input_dir, output_dir, testArgs.objcSources, testArgs.sources, msc, envData, "clang"))
        return 1;

    writef(" ... %-30s %s%s(%s)",
            (!testArgs.requiredArgs.empty ? " " : ""),

    if (testArgs.disabledPlatforms.canFind(envData.os, envData.os ~ envData.model))
        testArgs.disabled = true;
        writefln("!!! [DISABLED on %s]", envData.os);

    auto f = File(output_file, "a");

    foreach (i, c; combinations(testArgs.permuteArgs))
        string test_app_dmd = test_app_dmd_base ~ to!string(i) ~ envData.exe;

            string[] toCleanup;

            auto thisRunName = genTempFilename(result_path);
            auto fThisRun = File(thisRunName, "w");

            // can override -verrors by using REQUIRED_ARGS
            auto reqArgs =
                (testArgs.mode == TestMode.FAIL_COMPILE ? "-verrors=0 " : null) ~

            string compile_output;
            if (!testArgs.compileSeparately)
                string objfile = output_dir ~ envData.sep ~ test_name ~ "_" ~ to!string(i) ~ envData.obj;
                toCleanup ~= objfile;

                string command = format("%s -m%s -I%s %s %s -od%s -of%s %s%s", envData.dmd, envData.model, input_dir,
                        reqArgs, c, output_dir,
                        (testArgs.mode == TestMode.RUN ? test_app_dmd : objfile),
                        (testArgs.mode == TestMode.RUN ? "" : "-c "),
                        join(testArgs.sources, " "));
                version(Windows) command ~= " -map";

                compile_output = execute(fThisRun, command, testArgs.mode != TestMode.FAIL_COMPILE, result_path);
                foreach (filename; testArgs.sources)
                    string newo= result_path ~ replace(replace(filename, ".d", envData.obj), envData.sep~"imports"~envData.sep, envData.sep);
                    toCleanup ~= newo;

                    string command = format("%s -m%s -I%s %s %s -od%s -c %s", envData.dmd, envData.model, input_dir,
                        reqArgs, c, output_dir, filename);
                    compile_output ~= execute(fThisRun, command, testArgs.mode != TestMode.FAIL_COMPILE, result_path);

                if (testArgs.mode == TestMode.RUN)
                    // link .o's into an executable
                    string command = format("%s -m%s %s %s -od%s -of%s %s", envData.dmd, envData.model, envData.required_args,
                            testArgs.requiredArgsForLink, output_dir, test_app_dmd, join(toCleanup, " "));
                    version(Windows) command ~= " -map";

                    execute(fThisRun, command, true, result_path);

            compile_output = std.regex.replace(compile_output, regex(`^DMD v2\.[0-9]+.* DEBUG$`, "m"), "");
            compile_output = std.string.strip(compile_output);
            compile_output = compile_output.unifyNewLine();

            auto m = std.regex.match(compile_output, `Internal error: .*$`);
            enforce(!m, m.hit);

            if (testArgs.compileOutput !is null)
                enforce(compareOutput(compile_output, testArgs.compileOutput),

            if (testArgs.mode == TestMode.RUN)
                toCleanup ~= test_app_dmd;
                    if (msc)
                        toCleanup ~= test_app_dmd_base ~ to!string(i) ~ ".ilk";
                        toCleanup ~= test_app_dmd_base ~ to!string(i) ~ ".pdb";

                if (testArgs.gdbScript is null)
                    string command = test_app_dmd;
                    if (testArgs.executeArgs) command ~= " " ~ testArgs.executeArgs;

                    execute(fThisRun, command, true, result_path);
                else version (linux)
                    auto script = test_app_dmd_base ~ to!string(i) ~ ".gdb";
                    toCleanup ~= script;
                    with (File(script, "w"))
                    string command = "gdb "~test_app_dmd~" --batch -x "~script;
                    auto gdb_output = execute(fThisRun, command, true, result_path);
                    if (testArgs.gdbMatch !is null)
                        enforce(match(gdb_output, regex(testArgs.gdbMatch)),
                                "\nGDB regex: '"~testArgs.gdbMatch~"' didn't match output:\n----\n"~gdb_output~"\n----\n");


            if (testArgs.postScript && 0)
                f.write("Executing post-test script: ");
                string prefix = "";
                version (Windows) prefix = "bash ";
                execute(f, prefix ~ testArgs.postScript ~ " " ~ thisRunName, true, result_path);

            foreach (file; toCleanup) collectException(std.file.remove(file));
        catch(Exception e)
            // it failed but it was disabled, exit as if it was successful
            if (testArgs.disabled)
                return 0;

            f.writeln("Test failed: ", e.msg);

            writeln("Test failed.  The logged output:");
            return 1;

    // it was disabled but it passed! print an informational message
    if (testArgs.disabled)
        writefln(" !!! %-30s DISABLED but PASSES!", input_file);

    return 0;

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