Google Summer of Code 2016

CraigDillabaugh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jan 4 14:58:43 PST 2016

On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 23:58:32 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
> The deadline for the Google Summer of Code, 2016 is February 
> 19th. Which means we have about a month and a half to put 
> something together.  For the time being I've recycled last 
> years projects (with one dropped so far):
> Since we were rejected with, more or less, the same set of 
> proposals last year it seems unlikely we would succeed this 
> year with the same lineup.  So some new ideas (or some 
> refreshing of the existing ideas) would be helpful.

> Happy New Year to everyone.
> Craig

Just bumping my own thread here.

Is there any interest is doing a GSOC application this year 
within the community? I don't mind doing the admin work, but 
having even a couple of solid new ideas for projects would 
improve the odds of a successful application.

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