Wait-free thread communication

David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jan 9 09:42:41 PST 2016

On Saturday, 9 January 2016 at 15:16:43 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> On Saturday, 9 January 2016 at 14:20:18 UTC, Andy Smith wrote:
>> I'm a little worried you have no volatile writes or fences 
>> around your code when you 'publish' an event using head/tail 
>> etc. It looks like it's working but how are you ensuring no 
>> compiler/CPU reordering is ocurring. Does x86_64 actually 
>> allow you to get away with this? I know its memory model is 
>> stricter than others...
> But not on ARM, so he should use atomic acquire-release 
> semantics on indices for push/pull.

Not only that. It's a problem on x86 as well because advanced 
optimizers like those in GDC or LDC will happily assume that the 
members are not written to by another thread (because there would 
be a race otherwise) and cache the loads or even eliminate some 
stores. Any guarantees the processor would offer are irrelevant 
if the compiler has already reordered your operations. It should 
be quite easy to see such effects. Just compile a simple test 
case on GDC or LDC with optimizations on.

> I suggest porting over spsc_queue from Boost.

That would certainly be a starting point, although a 
high-performance single-producer single-consumer queue is trivial 
to implement once you understand atomics.

Then again, I couldn't convince Andrei that a well-defined memory 
model (in which it even makes sense to talk about atomics in the 
first place) is important for D yet. Right now, you basically 
have to hope that everything works as in C++ – which is not a bad 
bet on GDC and LDC, and the weaker optimizer in DMD hides a lot 
of potential issues there – and stay away from things like 
`consume` loads that would depend on language semantics.

  — David

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