[dlang.org] new forum design

Uranuz via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jan 18 10:17:31 PST 2016

On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 10:20:13 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
> As the new design rolled out on dlang.org, I decided to push 
> the changes on forum.dlang.org as well. From what I gathered 
> from the previous feedback thread, I believe we've addressed 
> the most stringent issues. Once again thanks to anonymous / 
> @aG0aep6G for doing practically all the work, and to everyone 
> who's provided feedback so far.
> [...]

New design looks good, although I get used to see the old one) 
One thing I don't feel comfortabale about is default color of 
links. As for me this *red* color is too bright and hurts my 
eyes. I propose to use more *dark red* as a default (I like that 
one that is currently used for hovered elements #742620). But 
instead maybe use bright one (#b03931) for hovered elements. And 
I agree that it would be good to have another color for visited 
links (maybe *grayed red* like this: #9E7673). Overall look is 
clean and minimalistic. Good work!

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