
tsbockman via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jan 27 15:32:27 PST 2016

On Wednesday, 27 January 2016 at 22:32:33 UTC, Igor wrote:
> Um,
> 1. I'm not comparing it to C++.
> 2. Compared to the explosion that D1 had several years ago and 
> all the libraries that were create and all the work, D is 
> relatively stagnate. Just because stuff is still happening 
> doesn't mean anything.

Then you're discussing a different topic than most everyone else 
in this thread.

This thread began as a discussion of the language itself, not the 
D ecosystem as a whole. The explicit point of comparison is C++ 
(check the title and the O.P.).

Of course, this forum goes off topic all the time, so I'm not 
saying there's necessarily anything wrong with changing the 
subject - I'm just pointing out why people were confused about 
your point.

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