@nogc vs IAllocator
Lodovico Giaretta via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jul 16 11:32:31 PDT 2016
And of course I forgot to link the relevant documentation...
> I have no idea why anyone would prefer IAllocator approach to
> efficient and inline-able template based version. I doubt
> template bloat from dozens of different allocators in one
> project is realistic concern for std.xml
I was not thinking about template bloat. I was more concerned
about how to mix it with the possibility of multiple
implementations provided by different libraries. Conceptually one
should use a method getDOMImplementation("list of features") and
get a list of all implementations supporting those features that
are linked in the binary. How should this become?
getDOMImplementation!AllocType("list of features", allocator)?
And in this case, how shall this method retrieve all available
implementations from imported modules? Without templates this
would be as easy as a module initializer that registers the
implementation in a global list. With templates everything must
be resolved at compile-time, and I fear that this may require
some big hack.
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