Vision for the D language - stabilizing complexity?
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Mon Jul 18 07:32:56 PDT 2016
On Monday, 18 July 2016 at 13:48:16 UTC, Andrew Godfrey wrote:
> 1) As you say, a vision for D3. Maybe just a summary of the
> things that are now agreed upon, e.g. autodecoding (though even
> there, I think the details of where to move to, are still
> contentious. E.g. I personally dislike the convention of "char"
> meaning a 1-byte data type but I think some others like it).
> 2) The case against incremental breaking changes. (I see this
> argument somewhat, though it applies less to "dfixable"
> breaking changes).
> 3) Why we feel that breaking changes risk killing D outright.
> (I just don't see it. I wonder if we're confusing "dfixable"
> breaking changes, with other more disruptive kinds (such as
> Tango=>Phobos).)
I wasn't around for the D1 to D2 change, but I was around for
Python 2 to Python 3, which was inconvenient.
My sense is that a lot of the things mentioned here are
"woulda-coulda-shoulda", like having defaults be @safe instead of
@system. Would have been nice to have from the beginning, but
just seems way too disruptive to change it now.
However, I don't have any particular issue with incremental
breaking changes that are dfixable. But I think that saving them
all up to do a huge D3 is potentially more disruptive than doing
a small D3, completely dfixable, then a small D4, etc. Even a D3
that just changed autodecoding (which I don't think is dixable,
but who knows) would be good as it would be just a small limited
breaking change.
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