Andrei's list of barriers to D adoption

Seb via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jun 6 14:36:52 PDT 2016

On Monday, 6 June 2016 at 16:10:29 UTC, bob belcher wrote:
> Hello,
> why not a poll, and ask the community that they want first.

> - tiny web library from vibe.d will not be complicated
> - improve documentation, the same

I don't think it's bad in general.
It just needs more eyes - people willing to submit even small PRs 
for minor things!

> - improvements

We are working on it, everyone is cordially invited to help us:

> - make an editor work properly on all platforms YES

I am fine with Vim and the amazing part about D is that you don't 
need a sophisticated IDE that handles the boiler-plate code, 
because Walter have done a great job of removing the 
boiler-plate code in the first place!

We should start to teach people that ala #dlanglovesanyeditor

> - weekly tutorials. (that will be 30 until the end of year)

Adam regularly features them in "This week in D"

Afaik he lost some of his input sources - we should just feed him 
with more info or tutorials!

> - more noise on how to use proper dlang. dfmd, dub, dscanner.

I agree that they dfmt and dscanner should be be included in the 
installer and distributed to all platforms, see e.g.

> - make the website much friendly. Hire some freelancers and 
> make the website nice!

what exactly don't you like about It's beautiful, fast 
and responsive.

> #makedlanggreatagain!

it's already great!

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