[OT] Do you see a problem in this serialization format ?
Basile B. via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 6 19:11:55 PDT 2016
I had to make a custom format because
- XML is not readable (think by hand edition; setting file)
- JSON is not good to represent D data types (an object must be
created for each data, currently i have a json writer I could
post a sample if you don't get what i mean)
I will use it as for Object Pascal streaming, to store the
properties of the visual objects. The serializer uses a custom
RTTI system instead of traits code. A factory could be used to
create sub objects.
============================= SAMPLE
Object root = "TextEn"
Alignment alignment = "none"
float width = "200"
float height = "75"
float left = "10"
float top = "180"
bool visible = "true"
bool focusable = "true"
bool wantMouse = "true"
string caption = "Lorem ipsum"
Brush fill = "Brush"
FillKind fillKind = "uniform"
uint color = "4294965965"
GradientKind gradientKind = "horizontal"
FillAdjustment fillAdjustment = "none"
Gradient gradient = "Gradient"
Bitmap bitmap = "Bitmap"
Stream data = "[]"
Brush stroke = "Brush"
FillKind fillKind = "uniform"
uint color = "4287245282"
GradientKind gradientKind = "horizontal"
FillAdjustment fillAdjustment = "none"
Gradient gradient = "Gradient"
Bitmap bitmap = "Bitmap"
Stream data = "[]"
Pen pen = "Pen"
float width = "1"
Dash dash = "none"
Join join = "miter"
LineCap cap = "butt"
Font font = "Font"
float size = "32"
string name = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeMono.ttf"
Justify justify = "left"
The structure is simple, I'm not a language technician but the
grammar would be:
({ } = " are unamed literals)
\" \n
"[escapes ^"]+" opt ObjectEntry
Type name = value
{ Entries }
sub Object declarations may look strange, eg
Stuff stuff = "Stuff" {}
instead of
Stuff stuff = {}
but actually it was easier to parse whithout special case. For
example once I reach the terminal double quote I just have to
read while white and to check the character. If it's an opened
brace I know that I'll have to read a ObjectEntry, otherwise it's
So, what do you think, is there any design flaw ?
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