std.experimental.checkedint is ready for comments!

Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 17 15:17:08 PDT 2016

What you said is true, but IMO you're missing the point.

IMO the current D Process is just backward. Having people working 
on stuff openly, with intend for phobos inclusion, for a lot of 
months and that putting it up for review clearly does not work.
And if you and/or Andrei at that point say "Na". That is just 
frustrating, no matter how good the reasons are.

So I propose that you and Andrei create a list of high level 
goals for the compiler as well as for phobos/druntime. Nothing 
abstract, specific stuff properly also design specifics. And 
attach explanations why those things should be done.

For example:

Stuff that needs to be in phobos:
* sync/async Database abstraction that is nogc
* Value Range Integer type
* ....

I think you get the idea about the list.
Than you write in big letters.
"To everybody that wants to contribute a modules to phobos look 
at the above list and pick you module. All other module ideas may 
be rejected for whatever reason by Andrei. If you have an idea 
for a module not on the list get the design approved by Andrei 
before you start coding to avoid frustration later."

I know, this is an open source project and you can't tell people 
what to do because you don't pay us any money. But you could tell 
us what you think is important to make D number one. At least 
then people know what the lay of the land is and don't have to 
guess. And by saying "yes" or "no" at the end of the development 
of new stuff, you're actually doing this already. Only at the 
wrong point in time, IMO.

Additionally, IMO at some point you two have to delegate/trust 
other people/lieutenants. You two simply don't have the time to 
do all the necessary reviewing to make the D Process scale. And 
you two make mistakes as well. core.checkedint and etc.c.odbc is 
just deadbeef. (Please nobody start a discussion about that here. 
Even if those two module are a success, last time I checked 
Walter and Andrei are human so they make mistakes. And Andrei 
actually said so at DConf as well.)

So an action list from my POV.
* Andrei, Walter create a specific task list and designs
* make this list obvious to find. github README (See comment 
above) !!!!
* disable the auto quote feature of the forum. This feature is 
just poisonous for the discussion culture of this forum. 
Everybody is just trying to disprove the other without actually 
trying to bring the discussion/D forward.
* something like would be 
nice. It will properly also help finding lieutenants.

rant off

p.s. Warning: Parent post is not quoted. Ignore Explain Fit it 
for me
I f****** hate it.

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