std.experimental.checkedint is ready for comments!

tsbockman via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 17 16:38:26 PDT 2016

On Friday, 17 June 2016 at 20:49:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 6/17/2016 7:52 AM, tsbockman wrote:
>> What caught me off guard here isn't that Andrei had to approve 
>> it in some sense
>> - it's that the judgment of everyone else who approved my 
>> design seemingly
>> became irrelevant the moment that Andrei decided he could do 
>> better.
> History is full of examples of individuals who decide they can 
> do better, against all conventional wisdom, and are eventually 
> proven correct.

That has nothing to do with my point: "better" is subjective, and 
I thought the judgment and goals of others would be given more 

> Andrei has an enviable track record in the industry of having 
> disruptive ideas that later became mainstream. He's also very 
> well paid as a consultant to give advice to the programming 
> teams of companies. His comments are worthy of serious 
> consideration.

I have a finite amount of time, energy, and motivation to work on 

I might have considered his proposed expansion of the scope of 
the project if it had come earlier, when I was actively seeking 
input from people about what features were important to them. 
That connection did not happen, though.

Regardless, it is not clear to me that his requirements are 
actually compatible with mine; I don't really care how wonderful 
his ideas are if he's trying to solve a (subtly) different 
problem than I am. As far as I can tell, Andrei is perfectly 
willing to sacrifice my requirements to make room in his 
complexity "budget" for his own.

This is, of course, his prerogative as lead designer for Phobos, 
but it also kills any interest I have in working on the project 
for free.

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