Examples of dub use needed

Dicebot via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 21 01:58:59 PDT 2016

On 06/21/2016 10:24 AM, poliklosio wrote:
> Wow, really?
> Then what is the fetch command for? I started using dub a recently (2
> months ago) and totally didn't notice that there is any other purpose of
> the fetch command. I even installed dcd, dfmt and dscanner through dub
> fetch, only to find out these were older versions which didn't work.
> So what is the purpose of dub fetch?

Apart from `--cache=local` version, one of intended use case is to get
various small utility tools needed only during development and not
needing to be distributed to the end user, like dfmt. After `dub fetch
dfmt` one can run `dub run dfmt <args>` to invoke such tool without
knowing where dub cache is located.

But it is indeed supposed to be rare case and I do recommend to install
such tools via system package manager instead whenever possible. So yes,
you don't need `dub fetch` at all for most part.

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