Examples of dub use needed
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 22 10:15:56 PDT 2016
On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 15:48:03 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> What needs to be improved?
I will say that it looks a lot better now than it used to, even
though I'm not sure if the content has changed as much.
It's not entirely clear why to use SDLang over JSON. It should be
more clearly labeled which is preferred.
In the JSON description, I'm not a fan of the Build Options text.
I would change it to this:
Build settings influence the command line options passed to the
compiler and linker. All settings are optional. Examples:
"versions": ["PrintfDebugging", "UseAmd64Impl"],
"dflags": ["-vtls"],
"sourceFiles": ["lib/mylib.lib"],
In addition, it is possible to implement platform specific
settings using field name suffixes. Field name suffixes are dash
separated platform identifiers, as defined in the D language
reference, but converted to lower case. The order of these
suffixes is os-architecture-compiler, where any of these parts
can be left off. For instance, "sourceFiles-windows-x86_64-dmd"
would pass "sourceFiles" only to the DMD compiler on Windows with
an x86_64 bit architecture. This can be helpful when a project
requires libraries specific to a particular OS and hardware
architecture. Other examples:
"versions": ["PrintfDebugging"],
"dflags-dmd": ["-vtls"],
"versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"]
"libs-posix": ["ssl", "crypto"],
"sourceFiles-windows-x86_64-dmd": ["lib/win32/mylib.lib"],
In the Configuration section:
It says "A list of platform suffixes (as used for the build
settings) to limit on which platforms the configuration applies."
Platform suffixes is not clear enough. Above they are referred to
as field name suffixes. I would re-write this as "A list of field
name suffixes (as described above and used for the build
settings) to limit on which platforms the configuration applies.
For instance, setting "platforms": ["windows-x86_64-dmd"] would
mean the configuration would only apply when compiling only with
the DMD compiler on Windows with an x86_64 bit architecture."
Also, it says "When defining a configuration's platform, any of
the suffixes described in build settings may be combined to make
the configuration as specific as necessary." to which I would
For instance, in the following configuration
"name": "desktop-app",
"targetType": "executable",
"platforms": ["windows"],
"versions": ["DesktopApp"],
"libs-x86_64-dmd": ["d3d9"]
"libs" is customized for compiling with DMD on the x86_64
architecture. Further, since "platforms" is set to Windows, it
applies "libs" (and "versions" and "windows" does not need to be
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