Examples of dub use needed

Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 22 18:43:32 PDT 2016

On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 19:20:30 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

> I will touch dub, but I still felt like shouting "well then why 
> doesn't the next edition of Learning D just tell people to look 
> at some D source code and figure it out" when I saw that...

What are you referring to?

> I think dub is a great project; it just needs a some work on 
> docs/examples/tutorials if it is going to get included with DMD.

Then pitch in! There are already several examples in the DUB 
repository. If you think there should be more, create an issue. 
If you find documentation missing, report it. I wouldn't imagine 
the Sönke by himself can think of every conceivable scenario 
someone might need info on, or where the documentation isn't 
clear enough. Things can't improve unless people let the 
maintainer know what is missing and, if possible, contribute it 

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