Examples of dub use needed

WhatMeForget via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 23 20:29:28 PDT 2016

On Thursday, 23 June 2016 at 07:46:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> FWIW, this thread has inspired me to begin work on a project 
> I've titled 'The DUB Handbook'. I've been meaning to write some 
> tutorials about DUB (among other things) for learningd.org, but 
> I think a detailed guide would be a more worthwhile project to 
> pursue.
> My intention with the text is to provide a detailed description 
> of every dub command and configuration directive, along with 
> examples of how to use them in both JSON and SDLang formats. 
> I've spent an hour getting it set up today (I'm using gitbook) 
> and expect to be working on it over the next several weeks. 
> When it's ready for feedback, I'll make it publicly available 
> and announce it here in the forums. I plan to release it under 
> a CC license.

I've been trying to get my head around DUB for a long time. And 
that is even after buying D Web Development and your Learning D. 
I would be very interested in providing feedback.  I believe it 
would be very helpful to provide comprehensive "walk throughs" of 
the most useful and important scenarios. Include windows and 
Linux since their path layouts differ. Maybe even seed DUB's D 
Package Registry with a little tutorial package that could be 
used them.

And also throw in some definitions: what is actually meant by 
"cache", local, dependencies (is this imported source files or 
libraries needed during linking, or something else)

For instance, I installed DUB and some packages on a laptop 
(running Linux) about a week ago and then left it alone.  I'm now 
back in a terminal and it's like I've completely forgotten 
everything: I see the directories under ~/.dub but I can't seem 
to get dub list, dub fetch, or dub run  to work?

Anyway, sorry to ramble. Thank you for Handbook.

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