GSoC Next Steps

CraigDillabaugh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Mar 1 16:29:27 PST 2016

Not sure if this fits better in announcements, but I will try 
here for now.

I need email addresses for mentors so I can add you to the 
organization (D Foundation). I can hunt most of you down, but it 
would be easier if you got in touch with me:

craig dot dillabaugh at gmail dot com

Also, if you are not currently listed as a mentor, but are 
interested I think it is still fine to add new names.

Also, we should put together a selection committee to review the 
student proposals (once they are submitted).  I will give some 
thought on how to come up with this committee, but any nominatios 
are welcome.  Potential mentors should be involved in evaluation, 
but I would like the final 'selection' done by a group outside 
the mentors, since the mentors are to some extent in a conflict 
of interest (they will presumably favor projects targeted at 
their area of expertise).



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